Saturday, May 26, 2012

Guerrilla Weddings

Have you heard about the latest wedding fad:  Guerrilla weddings?  The idea is this:  a wedding party decides to conduct a wedding ceremony in a very public place...a place normally off-limits or un-rentable, such as standing in front of a famous work of art, or in a museum, or in the foyer of a public library, or on the courthouse steps.

The wedding party sends invitations to the crew and everyone agrees to show up at that location at a precise time (and I do mean precise!).  Each person in the wedding party (and guests) comes dressed incognito, and then at the precise time, everyone gathers at the location, forms a cluster around the bride and groom, and then the officiant quickly performs the ceremony before anyone can stage an objection or alert the guards or police.

In other words, guerrilla wedding.

I'm not sure what the attraction is for guerrilla weddings, but one aspect, I suppose, is cost-savings.  People could literally have a quickie wedding at not cost at all for rental or reception or overnight lodging.

All the party has to do is find an officiant who is willing to perform a guerrilla wedding on the fly.

Got a priest in mind?