A few weeks ago I overheard someone make the comment at a wedding reception: "You know, after you've attended a few weddings, they all start to look the same."
Indeed, there doesn't seem to be too much creativity out there when it comes to weddings and receptions. There are few brides and grooms who do things "counter-culture." Often, a wedding just looks and sounds the same as any other. And even receptions can have the same-old, same-old look and feel to them. Same food. Same table settings. Same cake. Same music. Same entrance. Same dance. Same everything.
But a few years ago I did happen upon a unique wedding reception where the bride and groom had hired a square dance "caller". And this wasn't Appalachia, folks!
What a blast that reception was. And here's an even better result. That square dance caller and his equipment cost quite a lot less than a traditional DJ and his rotating dance ball.
Want to save money and create a unique wedding reception dance atmosphere that people will really enjoy? Might hire a square dance master!