Monday, June 15, 2009

Coffee Pot

Many couples enjoy coffee, and want to supply coffee for their guests at the various showers, the rehearsal, even the reception. But, of course, coffee can be expensive. And even if couples are making their own coffee, it can be a bit pricey.

Alternatives? My wife and I have discovered Chock Full-O Nuts. Don't ask about the name . . . the coffee has nothing to do with nuts, has no nuts in it, and doesn't taste like nuts. The only thing nutty about this coffee is the price. It is insanely inexpensive and the taste isn't half bad.

And, for those of you who may have seen the movie, The Bucket List, you know that a Chock Full-O Nuts can makes a great burial plot. I've got two empty cans reserved on my shelves. One for my wife's burial plot (she's going first!) and one for me. Only thing is, the can is kind of small, and the undertaker will likely have to run me through the oven twice and sift my remains. Only the purest of me will fit into the can.

Give this coffee a try!

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