Monday, December 3, 2012

Messages to Bride and Groom

Welcome to Debt Free Wedding...the regular blog written by a Father of the Bride and author of the books Your Beautiful Wedding on Any Budget and Before You Say "I Do".  Visit often for more money-saving tips for a debt free life.

Couples who are looking for a fun and creative way to receive messages from their friends at the wedding reception might enjoy having a small dry erase board and markers at each table.  Guests can write down their thoughts, best wishes, humorous comments, and more.  And . . . if they don't like what they wrote the first time, they can erase and begin again.  Provide a board large enough for the whole table OR use one large dry erase board in a gathering area, or perhaps near the entrance or gift table.  (This is even less expensive!)

You may also include instructions for the dry erase board:  perhaps asking your guests to weigh in on the following:
* Offer your best marital advice
* What should we do in our first year?
* Name one place we should visit on our honeymoon

Places where you can find great deals on dry erase products would include Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or online at Oriental Trading.

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