Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake

Welcome to Debt-Free Wedding . . . your source for no-cost or low-cost ideas to create a debt free life. And all written by a guy who wrote the books. And, he's also a cheap date. Write him if you have an idea that's worked for you!

There's a trend . . . slow but sure. People are realizing that they don't have to have a full-meal-deal of a reception to have a nice wedding. Many couples are now savings thousands of dollars (that's THOUSANDS folks) by forgoing the large, catered dinner for all guest and opting, instead, for the old-style cake and punch reception with entertainment and dancing.

So, if you want a throw-back wedding and a simple but elegant reception . . . let 'em eat cake. Besides, are people really going to stick around for all these dinners? After you've been to your third wedding in one month, the same old same old is just, well . . . old. A person can eat only so many plates of mashed potatoes!

Let 'em eat cake and save!

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