Welcome to Debt-Free Wedding . . . a place where couples can discover fantastic ideas for creating a debt-free life along with low-cost or no-cost wedding ideas. All written by the guy who wrote Before You Say "I Do" and Your Beautiful Wedding on Any Budget.
This week I'll be returning to my roots and conducting a seminar on marriage. Couples who want to build a successful marriage will discover that their wedding plans are only the tip of a very large iceberg. So many couples also begin with the wedding in mind, without stopping to consider that the marriage is the life they will be building together. A marriage is so much more than a day.
Five quick tips for couples who are looking to save money and build a life. Concentrate on these and you can't go wrong.
* Communication (effective, open and honest . . . always!)
* Finances (nothing hidden, plan your life together, be on the same page with money!!)
* Ethics and Values (gotta be going in the same directions)
* Goals (do you have them? Are you working together to achieve. A marriage without goals is like a train without a track. Gotta have a track and a direction!)
* Family (make sure you build your relationship from the inside out...family first)
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