Monday, February 1, 2010

Four Ways to Save on Flowers

Welcome to Debt-Free Wedding, written by the guy who wrote Your Beautiful Wedding on Any Budget. Lots of ways to save and create a low cost or no cost wedding.

Couples wanting to save money on their flowers (wedding, decor, reception, etc.) would do well to remember these four quick tips:

* Know your budget. Be certain that you have a number in mind as you plan your flower needs. Flowers can be expensive or reasonably-priced . . . and you'll want to be working with a hard and fast number when you go to the florists.

* Compare and save. Don't assume you can't negotiate a flower order, and be certain to compare prices at various florists in your area.

* Bring a list of the arrangements you need. Don't go into the florists with a blank decorating slate, for example . . . know how many arrangements you will need and what styles of flowers you are looking for.

* Don't be afraid to "downsize" your flower order or arrangements if it exceeds your budget. Have a back up plan in place for decor or wedding.

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