Welcome to Debt Free Wedding and hundreds of great ideas for creating a no cost or low cost wedding . . . all written by the guy who wrote Before You Say "I Do" and Your Beautiful Wedding on Any Budget.
A few years ago I presided over a small outdoor wedding where, afterwards, the bride and groom had prepared a "picnic" reception. All elegantly done...the picnic was replete with all of the traditional fixings of a picnic in the park. We gathered in a park shelter house and the children were able to play on a nearby playground.
A few blankets, some fried chicken and potato salad, some lemonade. Hey, it's all good and it beat the pants of many of the high-cost receptions I'd been to that were held in stuffy back rooms and country clubs.
How about having a picnic reception? If you love the outdoors and want to have the kind of low-key good time with your friends and family . . . get going, get cooking.
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