Tuesday, December 10, 2013

In Shape

Staying in shape for one's wedding . . . or getting "into shape", can actually be a cost-saving measure, too.  Being healthy, and taking responsibility for one's health, is a key ingredient in marriage.

Couples that enjoy activities together--and even simple past-times like eating meals together--are far more likely to have long and healthy marriages. For years my wife and I have enjoyed hiking, kayaking, and exploration.  These pursuits have not only united us in common interests, but have also enabled us to stay in shape while enjoying long conversations and problem-solving.  (It is indeed amazing how often we have discussed family crises, financial stresses, retirement planning, and trip planning during our hiking adventures.)

The point here is this:  you don't have to spend big money to have fun together.  And you might also want to think about some of those inexpensive activities during your honeymoon, trading out some of the high-cost excursions for simple past-times that would strengthen your relationship.

Staying in shape can also keep your marriage in shape.  It's true.  Now get on that treadmill!

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